Sadly, because of the rise in the cost of living many people/families will struggle to heat their homes this winter. Due to this the Parish Council and Churches across Aston-cum-Aughton are opening their doors on specific days & times as a warm space for people to come to.

Come into the warmth where it’s safe and the hot drinks are free! Sit, relax, chat or read a book – you are welcome. Soup and sandwiches served at lunchtime (12pm).

Swallownest Baptist Church: Thursdays 9am – 3pm

Alongside our church, the following buildings will also be open for warmth and hot drinks and refreshments. Dates and times specified until end of February 2023.

  • Aston Parish Hall – Mon & Tues 9am – 3pm (starting 24/10/22)
  • Central Methodist Church – Weds 9am – 3pm (starting 23/11/22)
  • Bethesda Church – Thurs 10am-5:30pm (starting 03/11/22)
  • Swallownest Baptist Church – Thurs 9am – 3pm (starting 03/11/22)
  • Aston All Saints – Fri 9am – 3pm (starting 18/11/22)

Please note there will be no or limited WiFi in these venues.

Don’t be alone or cold this winter. Come along to a warm space.

They’re warm, safe and free!