Past Events

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Christmas Day Family Service

December 25, 2023 Christmas Day, Monday @ 10:30am

Join us on Christmas morning, for a short family service, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Bring along one of your gifts to show us!

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Christingle Making

December 21, 2023 Thursday @ 6:15pm

Christingles are a really fun way to think about God’s love at Christmastime. Join us as we make our own!

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Carols by Candlelight Service

December 21, 2023 Thursday @ 7:30pm

Join us for Carols and Bible readings by candlelight, as we reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Followed by refreshments and mince pies.

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Family Christmas Service

December 17, 2023 Sunday @ 10:30am

Join us for our special Sunday service with a Christmas celebration for all the family, led by Junior Church. Followed by Fellowship 'bring and share' lunch and quiz & games.

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Light Party

October 31, 2023 Tuesday@ 5:00 - 7:00pm

A positive alternative to Halloween. Join us for games, food and fun! Free entry but booking required.

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Acts & Snacks

October 7, 2023 Saturday@ 6:00 - 8:00pm

Join us for an evening of entertain and fellowship, as we sit back and enjoy some local talent! Snacks included. All welcome.

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Harvest Coffee Morning

September 2, 2023 Saturday @ 10:00am - 12:00pm

The frothy coffee is back at our latest coffee morning. All welcome! Proceeds to Macmillan Cancer Support

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